My initial reaction to last week's episode Launch Party was a little apathetic, but then I watched it a second time and realized the episode's greatness in all it's glorious splendor. So far, the fourth season has been stellar.
I loved the cold open. It's always fun to realize you're not the only one who follows bouncing screen savers to see if they'll hit the corner of the screen perfectly. The fact that the employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton were all anxiously awaiting that moment while an oblivious Michael went on to talk about ideas for the company? Genius.

Angela was great this week, too. I loved her bitchiness. Her condescending line to Phyllis about forks and spoons was fantastic. "Phyllis. These are spoooons. Spoons have rounded tops, and are used to scoop things. What we need are forks, which have prongs, or tiny spears on top. And we need knives, which have blades. Do you understand me now?"
And who was it that said there would be an Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle? Oh yeah, that was ME. Andy's barbershop phone call song was adorable, though. You've gotta hand it to Andy. He's pretty creative and lovable when he needs to be.
Oh man, and that image of Jim after he signs Meredith's pelvic cast is priceless! He looks absolutely disturbed.
The kidnapping thing was certainly my least favorite part of show, but that last scene with Michael and Dwight mocking Ryan in New York was HILARIOUS!
Dwight: "Now I've got a beard, and I can do whatever I want, and I'm your boss..."
M: "And I'm hot, I'm so hot. That's why everybody..."
D: (to Michael) "I don't get that. I don't understand that."
M: "Well, it's part of it, it's just the... uhhh."
D: "Wanna head back?"
M: "Yeah, let's go."
Much love for this episode. I really don't have anything bad to say. Now I just can't wait for tonight's episode, Money. Dwight has apparently decided to turn his farm into a bed and breakfast to earn a little extra cash. So who does he invite as his first guests? Why Jim and Pam, of course. Lots of potential. I'm very excited.
So remember to tune in tonight at 9/8pm central for the last one hour episode "Money" where we'll finally find out what Jim and Pam are looking at here:
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