Monday, October 22, 2007

Show me the "Money" Review

When I saw the synopsis and promo pics for last week's Money, I knew it would be special, but I didn't expect to see the most touching episode of The Office ever written.

My heart broke, melted, and mended several times during the course of this episode in the most enchanting way. The relationship theme of the show was highly poignant, to say the least.

Much less time was spent at Schrute Farms than I expected, but the time that was spent there was plenty fun. Mose running along-side the car was hilarious. He was like a little child; so happy to have a customer. The Harry Potter bedtime story was delightful, as well. Jim and Pam cuddling and Mose rocking back and forth? Too cute.

And Pam's discovery of Mose in the outhouse was hilarious!:
"What century is this?"

There was so much sympathy to be had in this episode. Even Michael evoked more empathy from me than usual. He was trying so hard to earn extra money and stay on top of his debt. He seemed particularly vulnerable.

(On a side note; Michael's 2nd job looked almost exactly like my job as an airline reservation salesperson, except there was a constant stream of voices at my old post. Never silence. Anyhow, that seemed very realistic to me. They did well with the details on that scene; the headsets, the mini cubicles, the variety of people that work those jobs, etc).

I was really starting to get angry with Jan for being so selfish and self-involved, but she came around and was so supportive of Michael in the end. I love that Michael was going to run away on a train while singing "Runaway Train". That was brilliant.

Michael's story was touching, but Dwight was the truly tragic figure of this episode. What started with Dwight moaning over Angela's figurine ended in a complete meltdown in the stairwell (again, moaning was involved). The irony is that what drove Dwight to the stairwell was Andy's offering of the very same cat (Garbage) to Angela that she had refused from Dwight a few weeks prior. I believe Angela was unaware it was the same cat, but the idea was just so painful.

I did love Pam's line about how she wouldn't set up Andy with Angela because she "couldn't do that to Dwight...or Angela...or Andy." Ha!!

(Look at poor Dwight's face here).

And just when I thought Dwight couldn't be more heartbreaking, he pulls out the saddest face I think I've ever seen in my life. Not just sad. We're talking gut-wrenching misery. It's hard for me to look at these pictures without my eyes welling up. I just felt so awful for Dwight here.

Jim showed a lot of depth and kindness as he tried to soothe Dwight's feelings. The little speech he gave to Dwight about his time without Pam was really heart-wrenching, too. After season 3, when Jim was dating Karen, (even though I figured he did this out of self-preservation) I started to wonder if he had lost interest in Pam all together. He was so distant from her and that always left me so melancholy after each episode. Now we know the depth of Jim's feelings. My heart went out to both Jim and Dwight in this scene.

But it was all worth it for this moment!

Pam: Jim's just really passionate about Italian food.
Jim: Yep, I’m very passionate about Italian food. In fact, um, I’m in love with Italian food.

(Okay, hold back the tears, Cayce. Be strong).

The writers did so well on this episode. All this relationship business could have been a little too disgustingly cutesy, but they kept the cheese-meter way down, which allowed for more realistic and moving scenes.

The whomever vs. whoever argument was also wildly entertaining. I knew the answer, too! While everyone on the show was arguing I leaned over and said to my husband, "Whom is dative. It follows a preposition. Ryan is right."

I rule.

Oh, yes, and the little moment with Kelly and Daryl was great. It was obvious they were going that direction last week with these two. I think it's clear right now that Kelly is using Daryl to make Ryan jealous (and by the look on Ryan's face, I think it's kind of working). BUT I think that she'll actually end up falling for Daryl in the process. He's so perfect for her. He keeps her in check and balances out her hysteria in the most calming way. It's great. I'm all for a 'Karyl' or 'Darlley" hook up. (That name-pairing just doesn't quite work does it?) . Hehe.

Overall, Money is one of my all time favorite episodes. It was wonderful. I can't say enough good things about season four. It has been a breathtaking season thus far.

Stay tuned for this week's episode, "Local Ad" where Dwight escapes into an Avatar heaven in Second Life! That should be fun.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Launch Party Review

" I have been salesman of the month for 13 out of the last 12 months. You heard me right. I did so well last February that Corporate gave me 2 plaques in lieu of a pay raise."

My initial reaction to last week's episode Launch Party was a little apathetic, but then I watched it a second time and realized the episode's greatness in all it's glorious splendor. So far, the fourth season has been stellar.

I loved the cold open. It's always fun to realize you're not the only one who follows bouncing screen savers to see if they'll hit the corner of the screen perfectly. The fact that the employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton were all anxiously awaiting that moment while an oblivious Michael went on to talk about ideas for the company? Genius.

"Some days I am just on fire. What can I say?"

Jim and Pam were back to their old hijinks and disguised themselves as the Dunder Mifflin Computer in order to prank Dwight. That was fantastic. I missed their shenanigans and was hoping to see them back in action soon. They just can't let Dwight be, even when they feel bad for him. And poor Dwight wants to be skeptical, but he just can't help but fall for it every time. Pam's merciful acknowledgement of defeat after Angela breaks Dwight's heart was so sweet.

Rainn Wilson gave an outstanding and heartbreakingly funny performance in this episode. Poor Dwight. He set out to beat the DMI website and, despite intermittent pranking from Jim and Pam, actually defeated the thing! But, alas...his joy was sucked right out from under him when Angela asked Pam to hook her up with another man. So painful.

Angela was great this week, too. I loved her bitchiness. Her condescending line to Phyllis about forks and spoons was fantastic. "Phyllis. These are spoooons. Spoons have rounded tops, and are used to scoop things. What we need are forks, which have prongs, or tiny spears on top. And we need knives, which have blades. Do you understand me now?"

And who was it that said there would be an Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle? Oh yeah, that was ME. Andy's barbershop phone call song was adorable, though. You've gotta hand it to Andy. He's pretty creative and lovable when he needs to be.

Oh man, and that image of Jim after he signs Meredith's pelvic cast is priceless! He looks absolutely disturbed.

The kidnapping thing was certainly my least favorite part of show, but that last scene with Michael and Dwight mocking Ryan in New York was HILARIOUS!

Micheal: "I'm Ryan, and tonight didn't go the way that I thought it would, because it didn't work out for me, and I'm very embarrassed. I got egg all over my face."
Dwight: "Now I've got a beard, and I can do whatever I want, and I'm your boss..."
M: "And I'm hot, I'm so hot. That's why everybody..."
D: (to Michael) "I don't get that. I don't understand that."
M: "Well, it's part of it, it's just the... uhhh."
D: "Wanna head back?"
M: "Yeah, let's go."

Much love for this episode. I really don't have anything bad to say. Now I just can't wait for tonight's episode, Money. Dwight has apparently decided to turn his farm into a bed and breakfast to earn a little extra cash. So who does he invite as his first guests? Why Jim and Pam, of course. Lots of potential. I'm very excited.

So remember to tune in tonight at 9/8pm central for the last one hour episode "Money" where we'll finally find out what Jim and Pam are looking at here:


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dunder Mifflin Infinity Review Extravaganza!

"That is what Ryan is like; a fake brother who steals your jeans."

That about sums up this episode. So much fun to be had.

So I know I'm almost a week late with this review, but Dunder Mifflin Infinity (DMI) deserves a good blogging. I enjoyed this episode so much. It seemed like old times, but with a new twist.
It was hilarious and much more fast-paced than the previous week's Fun Run.

Before I say anything else, I just need to say...

I WAS RIGHT!!! Okay...well, I was mostly right. Ryan DID hit on Pam, but there was no jealous Jim.

However, I do believe this picture of Jim is reaction footage of that scene that they didn't end up using for the final cut (same shirt and everything). There's a look of weariness and tension in Jim's expression here that just told me he was watching Pam be hit on. Ryan seemed the most obvious choice for predator in my brain. I just went a little more 'soap opera' on it than The Office writers did (thank God).

I did love Jim's proud line, "Well, I guess he can't have ANY girl he wants." Too adorable. Could I be more smitten with Jam? I don't think so.

Okay, on to Dwangela! I felt so much pity for Dwight in this episode, but in a funny, sympathetic way. Very enjoyable, but also painful. Ah, the conundrums of The Office. He tries so hard to win Angela back by offering her Garbage, the feral cat, but Angela will have no part of it. "I don't want Garbage. I want Sprinkles." Too funny.

Dwight had some very sad/funny lines in this episode. When he and Michael are trying to win back that second client and it's not going well, Dwight says, "That's not gonna change his mind. He's moving on. We had our chance and we killed it." (Poor Sprinkles).

Then later in the car with Michael he says, "That's how it goes sometimes, you know? You lose everything and everything falls apart and eventually you die and no one remembers you." My heart sinks every time I hear those lines, but I still laugh. What a strange feeling. I love it.

That lake scene? I don't remember laughing so hard during an episode. The whole thing had me in hysterics. Dwight composes himself quickly and yells, "Exit the window!" Michael's expression as he unlocks the back door (for the camera-man) is too funny for words.

Some people online had issues with the reality of that scene, but not me. I can totally see Michael doing something like that; blindly following the navigator (he was trying to take Ryan's advice and trust technology, after all). It was as though Michael kept expecting some drawbridge to magically appear or something. Dwight yells, "It can't mean that. There's a lake there!" Holy goodness, that was awesome.

(Did you notice that as the car starts sinking into the lake the little navigator says, "Turn around, if possible"?) Hilarious.

Jam was outed a lot sooner than I expected, but I loved Michael's embarrassing blessing.

Andy and Kevin seemed to have formed a friendship. Kevin even called Jim "Tuna" when they were in the break room. I also loved that Jim was not phased by Ryan's position like Andy and Kevin were. Jim rules. He knows pomposity when he sees it and he has never been motivated to gain power or status. I love that about him.

Ryan was loads of fun to watch, too. It was exciting to see him as Michael's boss. There's a deleted scene where Ryan makes Michael fetch him a bottled water in the middle of a meeting. Jim thinks it was rather harsh, but Ryan replies with, "I spent three years, driving around, getting him yams and magic wands. He can get me water." Sweet revenge. Right on. But then you do feel bad for Michael at the same time.

Jan was great! I think she'll be puppeteering Michael this season a bit from behind the scenes. Someone mentioned that they thought season 4 is going to be centered around the theme of relationships and I believe that will be the case, as well. There are too many relationship dynamics going on right now to just ignore. I love that the writers are not afraid to address what's right in front of them. We've got Jam, Dwangela, Kryan, and Jan-Michael (there's no good mesch name for them)...and...a possible Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle? I'm so rooting for Dwangela to get back together, but I think it may take all season. It will certainly be interesting.

Well, that about wraps this up. Don't forget to tune in for this week's episode "Launch Party" Thursday night at 9/8 central for another hour-long episode!

You know I like to leave these on a high note...and I am a mushy romantic. you go:


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Pics from "Launch Party" & "Money"!

They're here! New stills from the two upcoming Office episodes, "Launch Party" and "Money" and they seem to promise lots more shenanigans and excitement for the folks at Dunder Mifflin Scranton.

The first of the two shows, "Launch Party" will air next Thursday, October 11th. Here is the synopsis from NBC:

The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch party in New York while Angela plans a satellite party for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight competes against the website to see who can sell the most paper in one day.

Of course he does.

The pictures aren't very revealing, which is a good thing. However, there is one that does seem to possibly tie in with my Andy-Angela-Dwight love triangle theory. This is that photo:

As I've said before, I believe Andy is going to "lay on the charm" for Angela while she harbors resentment towards Dwight for killing her cat, Sprinkles. In this picture it seems as though Andy is very proud of himself (perhaps for ordering this lovely swan ice sculpture for the launch party?) and is hoping to impress Angela. By the look on her face, it appears that he has succeeded. Look out Dwight.

Speaking of Dwight, check this out:
Dwight has a bit of stubble. Could he be stressed out from the lack of love from his 'Monkey', Angela? Will she still be mad at him in two weeks? Time will tell. Who knows? This could be completely unrelated, but something inexplicable tells me...

And look! Meredith is rabies-free and seems quite pleased with her "Steg" beer. Why wouldn't she be? (Oooh...I hope there's another drunken throw-back to Christmas Party. I love that episode).

For the rest of the "Launch Party" photos, click here.

And now for the "Money" photos.

"Money" is scheduled to air on Thursday, October 18th and will be the last of the one-hour episodes; at least for a while. Here's the synopsis:

As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes pressuring his employees for a loan. Pam and Jim spend a night out on Dwight’s family farm, now a bed and breakfast.

This episode, looks like loads of fun!!

Dwight opens his own B&B?! (I wonder if he'll be the co-owner with Satan).

"Check in time is now. Check out time is never."

Mmmm. A bacon and hard-boiled egg breakfast? How very 'Dwight.'

Looks like Dwight intends to show Jim and Pam a good time by forcing them to watch him complete his farm tasks. Yes, loads of fun at the Schrute Farm.

Oh, how nice. They may even get to do their
own farm work, as well.

There are lots more pictures from Money right here.

This looks like a Jam-heavy episode, which will probably keep me satisfied and smiling for while. (TWSS). Until then, I'll leave you with this dignified image...
