Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Dunder Mifflin Infinity"

There's a new sheriff in Scranton town. His name?
Ryan Bailey Howard.

Excitement ensued today as I stumbled upon new Office promo pics from Episode 2 of season four this morning. Two pictures in particular have intrigued me. (See pics below). I'm very giddy about it.

The episode is called "Dunder Mifflin Infinity" and it's centered around Ryan's triumphant return visit to the office; this time as Michael's' boss. Ryan has all sorts of new ideas for bringing Dunder Mifflin into the modern age. So he has created a website called Dunder Mifflin Infinity to help the company succeed in an "increasingly paperless world."

Here is the official synopsis from NBC:

Much to the dismay of Michael and many of the employees, Ryan returns to the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin to bring the company into the digital age. Angela is still upset about her cat.

And now for the fun part. Here are some of my ideas on these new promo pics:

First off...

Jim is back at his old desk (with his old hair)!!!! WooHoo!!!


(I'm probably totally off here [so don't hold me to this], but I believe this may be a slight jealous look coming from Jim. If you watch the deleted scenes from season 3's "The Job" there is a scene where Ryan and Pam have a bit of a flirtation that does not go unnoticed by Jim. So I'm wondering if, now that a newly single Ryan has acquired an inflated ego as the new bossman (and since Pam has enhanced her wardrobe), Ryan will start to flirt with Pam on his visits from corporate. With Jim back at his old desk he would have to witness every 'move' Ryan makes.

What fuels that theory even more is that I also have a feeling 'Jam' may be keeping their relationship [or dating-ship] under wraps for a while, as Kevin/Brian let it slip in the OfficeTally Chat Room that he [Kevin] is conducting an investigation to find out if Jim and Pam are dating. So, with all that being said, I think this picture is of Jim noticing Ryan flirting with Pam [see headlining picture above] and experiencing a teensy bit of jealousy; leaving him unable to object, since he and Pam are keeping things secret. Like I said, though, don't quote me on that [unless it turns out to be true. Then please tell everyone what a genius I am]) .


Okay, I have no idea what's going on here. Looks funny, though. Dwight and Michael (or "Dwighchael", as I like to call them) look very triumphant and very dirty. Have they intercepted this gift basket from Ryan?

(For the other two pictures click here).

*As an interesting side note, if any NBC show creates a fictional website for an episode, NBC is obligated to then buy the rights to it (as we learned from Conan O'Brien's incident. Check it out). So, as you can guess, NBC has already bought the rights to the real and has got the website up and running. It's still a work in progress, but it's certainly available to play with for the time being.

In an attempt at maintaining the show's popularity, NBC has wisely decided to make Dunder Mifflin Infinity a place where fans can create their own branches of Dunder Mifflin and compete against each other in weekly challenges. Each branch earns Schrute Bucks for their victories, which I'm supposing will enable to them to make purchases later on. Winning teams will also be given certain rewards.*

I've already jumped on this bandwagon and have been hired on as a temp (pending permanent employee status) at an existing Dunder Mifflin branch, which shall remain nameless (You'd never guess which one anyhow). I'm pretty excited about it, though. I've already got a profile set up and I can't wait to participate in these weekly "challenges".

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this new information as much as I have. I just love speculating about these episodes. It's been four months (and far too long) since I've had a fresh helping of The Office on my plate and I can't wait to see what's in store!


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